Dr. Galina Zukova

International Arbitration   |   Dispute Resolution   |   International Contracts

Articles and book chapters:



“La sede e la lingua della procedura”, Capitolo V, Volume VI, in Daniele Mantucci (ed.), Trattato di Dirittto dell’Arbitrato, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2020, pp. 141-155 (in Italian_
Together with Victoria Ivasechko, “Rules of Ethics for the Parties’ Representatives in International Arbitration”, in the Journal of the International Arbitration Court at the Kyrgyz Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 2022, pp. 12-50  (Жукова Г. & Ивасечко В., “Правила этики для представителей cторон в международном арбитраже”, Ежегодный сборник статей Международного Третейского Суда при ТПП Кыргызской Республики, 2022, стр. 12-50), available at http://arbitr.kg/web/documents/materials/156.pdf (in Russian)



“Russia: ICC Court Granted ‘Permanent Arbitration Institution’ Status” in ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin, 2021, Issue 3, pp. 29-31.



““Issue Conflict”: When An Arbitrator’s Knowledge of the Issue Becomes an Issue (and When it Does Not)” in “Arbitration.ru” journal of the RAA, 2020 September-October, Issue No. 8(22), pp. 25-41.
“Пандемия Covid-19 и форс-мажорные обстоятельства: первое решение французских судов” in “Arbitration.ru” journal of the RAA, 2020 April, Issue No. 3(18), pp. 77-78 (in Russian).
““Obzor novogo Kodeksa dobrosovestnoy arbitrazhnoy praktiki Ispanskogo arbitrazhnogo kluba [Overview of the New Code of Best Practices in Arbitration of the Spanish Arbitration Club], 2019(2) / 2020(1) Int’l Соm. Arb. Rev., pp. 234-249. https://doi.org/10.32875/icar.2019.2-2020.1.234 (in Russian).


“Обзор нового Кодекса добросовестной арбитражной практики Испанского арбитражного клуба” (“Review of the new Code of Good Arbitration Practices of the Spanish Arbitration Club”) in “Arbitration.ru” journal of the RAA, 2019 August, Issue No. 7(11), pp. 49-56 (Part I) and 2019 October, Issue No. 9(13), pp. 32-38 (Part II)  (in Russian).
together with Emmanuel Jolivet: “The History of the ICC Central and Eastern European Institutional Arbitration Group” in “Arbitration.ru” journal of the RAA, 2019 January, No 1(5), pp. 20-24.


Musin and Skvorcov (eds.), International Comemercial Arbitration, 2018, Chapter 8 “Arbitration Institutions” and Chapter 18.4 “Arbitration in France” (in Russian) (учебник ‘’Международный коммерческий арбитраж’’, подготовленный авторским коллективом под. ред. проф. В. А. Мусина и проф. О. Ю. Скворцова, 2 ed., 2018, Chapters 8. ‘’ Арбитражная институция’’ and 18.4 ‘’Арбитраж во Франции’’).


Žukova G., Hosē R. Feriss, “Akcents uz efektivitāti: ICC Paātrinātās procedūras noteikumi” (“Emphasis on Efficiency: ICC Expedited Procedure Provisions”), in Jurista Vārds, 31.10.2017., Nr. 45 (999), pp. 10.-17 (in Latvian).
together with Jose R. Feris, “Ускоренный арбитраж ICC: нововведения и перспективы применения” (“ICC Expedited Procedure: Innovations and Application”), in Закон (Law), September 2017, pp. 186-197 (in Russian).
“ICC International Court of Arbitration” in Thomas Cottier and Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer (eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2017), pp. 307-310.


Article “Que disent les lois sur les institutions d’arbitrage ?”, La Lettre de la Chambre arbitrale internationale de Paris n° 12, decémbre 2016, pp. 18-20 ( in French).
Article “Arbitration Institutions: Legal Status, Attributes, Regulatory Supervision”, International Arbitration Law Review, 2016, Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 102-112; “Арбитражные институты: правовой статус, создание, обязательные требования, надзор за деятельностью”, журнал Третейский суд, 2016, No. 2/3 (104/105), pp. 54-75 (in Russian).
together with Inga Kacevska: Chapter on Latvia, in “World Arbitration Reporter” (eds. L. Mistelis and L. Shore), 2nd ed., JurisPublisher, 2016.


together with Vladimir Khvalei, “ICC Arbitration: Neither Cheaper Nor Faster – Why Then?”, in International Arbitration Under Review. Essays in honour of John Beechey, ICC Publication No. 772E, 2015, pp. 215-226.
“Lettonie: Le principe compétence-compétence n’exclut pas le recours aux tribunaux étatiques pour statuer sur la validité de la clause compromissoire” (case-law review of the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Latvia (Satversmes tiesa) of 28 November 2014 in case No. 2014-09-01), Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage/The Paris Journal of International Arbitration, 2015(3), pp. 493-503.


“Назначение арбитров в РАА или Размышления на тему “ищу арбитра””, http://www.arbitrations.ru/press-centr/news/kakoy-budet-baza-dannykh-arbitrov-raa/ and http://zakon.ru/Blogs/kakoj_budet_baza_dannyx_arbitrov_rossijskoj_arbitrazhnoj_associacii_raa/10926, 21 March 2014.
Co-authour, “Коммерческий арбитраж в России после судебной реформы” (in Russian), (“Commercial Arbitration in Russia After the Judicial Reform” ), «Корпоративный юрист», http://www.clj.ru/publications/12/6093/ and http://lawfirm.ru/comments/index.php?id=10142 (with Natalia Backhaus).
Publications on IBA Guidelines on Party Representation in International Arbitration:
— “Руководящие принципы МАЮ относительно представительства сторон в международном арбитраже”, Материалы первых Международных арбитражных чтений памяти академика Побирченко И.Г., Kiev, 2014, pp. 141-155, and журнал Третейский суд, No. 5 (95) 2014, pp. 112-124 (in Russian).
— “Vadlīnijas attiecībā uz pušu pārstāvību starptautiskajā šķīrējtiesā”, Jurista Vārds, 3 June 2014, No. 22 (824), pp. 25-31 (in Latvian).


together with Vladimir Khvalei and Vilija Vaitkute Pavan, “The New ICC Rules of Arbitration” (in original in Lithuanian “Nauja Tarptautinių Prekybos Rūmu Arbitražo Reglamento Redakcija”), Teisė, 2013, No. 86, pp. 201-216 (Lithuania).


together with Vladimir Khvalei, “Разбирательство по Арбитражному Регламенту ICC: Не быстрее. Не дешевле. Тогда зачем??” (in Russian), Legal Insight, September 2012, No. 7(13), pp. 34-39.
together with Vladimir Khvalei, “The New ICC Rules of Arbitration” (in original in Ukrainian “Нова редакцiя Арбiтражного регламенту ICC”, Юридичний журнал, 2012, No. 3, pp. 115-126 (Ukraine); “ICC Šķīrējtiesas Reglamenta jaunā redakcija” Jurista Vārds, 17 January 2012 (in original Latvian)).


together with Vladimir Khvalei, “The New ICC Rules of Arbitration” (in original in Russian “Новая редакция Арбитражного регламента ICC”, journal Tretejskij sud (Arbitration Court, журнал Третейский суд) No. 6, 2011 (Russia), pp. 73-91; http://www.garant.ru/article/355113/ (Russia); http://www.iccwbo.ru/documents/stata_kommentarii_novaa_redakcia_arbitrajnogo_reglamenta_icc26.pdf; http://jurliga.ligazakon.ua/news/2011/12/5/53001.htm (Ukraine); legal information portal Consultant (Belarus).
“Reforms of Foreign Arbitration Laws” (in original in Russian “Реформа арбитражных законодательств зарубежных стран”) in “Вестник Международного Коммерческого Арбитража” (“Journal of International Commercial Arbitration”), No. 2(4) July-December 2011, pp. 108-114.
together with Emmanuel Jolivet: “The European Arbitration Group” in “Festskrift till Gustaf Möller”, Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland, JFT 4-5/2011, pp. 487-494.
“The Role of International Organizations in the Formation and Development of International Commercial Arbitration: The Experience of the ICC International Court of Arbitration” (“Роль международных организаций в формировании и развитии Международного коммерческого арбитража: Опыт Международного Арбитражного Суда ICC”), Право Украины (Law of Ukraine), 2011, Vol. 2, pp. 64-69.


“ICC International Court of Arbitration: An Insider’s Perspective”, journal Tretejskij sud (Arbitration Court) (“Международный арбитражный суд ICC: взгляд изнутри”, журнал Третейский суд) (in Russian), 2010, pp. 80-97.
together with Inga Kacevska: Chapter on Latvia, in “World Arbitration Reporter” (eds. L. Mistelis and L. Shore), JurisPublisher, 2010.
Report on Latvia, in A.Lazowski (ed.), Brave New World: Application of EU Law in the New Member States¸T.M.C.Asser Press & CUP, 2010, pp. 243-276.


“Law on Arbitration: How It Will Look Like?” (Šķīrējtiesu likumprojekts – kāds tas būs?), Jurista Vārds, No.47(542), 16 December 2008, p. 6 (in Latvian).
“ES tiesību piemērošana Latvijā” (Application of EU Law in Latvia), http://www.politika.lv/index.php?id=16552, July 2008 (in Latvian).
“Eiropas tiesību piemērošana Latvijas tiesās’’ (Application of EU Law in the Latvian Courts), Jurista Vārds, 29 April 2008, pp. 1-10, and 13 May 2008, pp. 21-26 (in Latvian).
“Šķīrējtiesu regulējums Latvijā: atsevišķi problēmjautājumi” (Problems in the Latvian Arbitration Regulation) in Civilprocesa aktuālie jautājumi. 2007. gada zinātniskās konferences materiālu krājums, Tiesu Nama Aģentūra, 2008, pp. 157-184.
Editor-in-Guest, Baltic Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 8, 2008, Special Theme “Arbitration in the Baltics: Contemporary Issues”. Article: ‘’Arbitration in Three Baltic States: A Thorny Path of Learning’’, pp. 1-8.
“Notion of Investment at the Crossroads. Arbitration under the Energy Charter Treaty: Petrobart Limited v. the Kyrgyz Republic”, in The Reasons Requirement in International Investment Arbitration: Critical Case Studies, edited by Prof. M. Reisman and G. Aguilar Alvarez, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008, pp.323-347.


“Likumprojekta noteikumi: iebildes un priekšlikumi” (The Latvian Draft Law on Arbitration: Reservations and Proposals), Jurista Vārds, 18 December 2007, No. 51/52, pp. 12-15 (in Latvian).
“Amicus Curiae iesniegumi PTO ietvaros”, Likums un Tiesības, August 2007, pp. 212-220 (in Latvian).
“Amicus Curiae nelle procedure dell’Organizzazione mondiale del commercio: un intervento neutrale?”, in ‘I principi dell’azione amministrative nello spazio giuridico globale’, a cura de G. della Cananea, Quaestio Juris 3, 2007, pp. 93-123.


“Politics and Law at the Crossroads: Nomination of Justices to the US Supreme Court” (‘Politika un tiesības: ASV Augstākās tiesas tiesnešu iecelšana’), Jurista Vārds, 4 January 2006.


A number of analyses of the ECJ’s cases, Likums un Tiesības (Law and Justice), 2005, in Latvian:
— Case C-117/01 K. B. v. National Health Service Pensions Agency and Secretary of State for Health, No. 1, pp. 27–29.
— Case T-168/02 IFAW Internationaler Tierschutz-Fonds gGmbH v. Commission, No. 1, pp.30 –31.
— Case C-245/02 Anheuser-Busch Inc. v. Budjovický Budvar, národní podnik , No. 2, p.57–58.
— Cases C-465/02 and C-466/02 Germanu and Denmark v. Commission (Greek feta), No. 12.


“Uniform Interpretation and Application of International Agreements in the European Union”, Baltic Yearbook of International Law, 2004.
“Application of International Agreements in the EU Legal Order”, Likums un Tiesības (Law and Justice), Dec. 2003 – Feb. 2004, Nrs. 52-54, in Latvian.


“Uniform Interpretation and Application of the Europe Association Agreements. A Job for the Association Councils or for the Judiciary? The Baltic Case”, Centre for European Research, Göteborg University, Report No. 11, 2001.


‘Free Trade between the EU and its Candidate States: The Case of Latvia’, Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2004 (in English).

Book reviews:

Review of the book of Petersmann, E.-U., and Joerges, C. (eds.), Constitutionalism, Multilevel Trade Governance and Social Regulation, Hart Publishing Ltd., 2006, in the Yearbook of European Law, 2008.
Review of the book of Liebscher, C. and Fremuth-Wolf, A. (eds.) Arbitration Law and Practice in Central and Eastern Europe, JurisNet, 2007, in the Baltic Yearbook of International Law, 2008.
Review of the book of Aggarwal, V. K., and Fogarty, E. (eds.) EU Trade Strategies: Between Regionalism and Globalization, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, on http://www.europeanlawbooks.org, March 2006.
Review of the book of van den Bossche, P., World Trade Organization. The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization: Text, Cases and Materials, Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005, in the European Law Review, Vol. 31, 2006, pp. 770-771.
Review of the books of Matsushita, M., Shoenbaum, T.S. and Mavroidis, P. The World Trade Organisation. Law, Practice and Policy, OUP, 2003 and Piccone, P. and Ligustro, A. Diritto dell’ Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio, CEDAM, 2002, in the Yearbook of European Law, 2004.
Review of the book of Ott., A. and Inglis, K. (eds.) Handbook on European Enlargement: A Commentary on the Enlargement Process, The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press, 2002, in the Baltic Yearbook of International Law, 2004.